Pet training

Learning How To Train A New Puppy

Dog training can be a learning experience for your dog, but you can also learn other important things, as well. This article can help you make the most of training your dog. You will find that your time spent training your dog will have benefits for both of you, for years to come.

Reinforcement is a key element in dog training. Reinforcement only works, however, when it is executed with the proper timing. Excitedly saying, “Good girl!” just a few seconds too late has little positive impact on the dog’s future performance in terms of the desired act. Reinforcement for desired behavior should be immediate.

Start potty training your new puppy immediately. Take the puppy to the designated toilet area in your garden as soon as he wakes up in the morning, after eating, after a nap, and before bedtime. Choose a certain command that indicates he needs to relieve himself. When he does, don’t forget to praise him highly, and offer a treat as a reward.

Training your dog to walk on lead takes time. The idea is to have your dog walk obediently beside you without straining, tugging, and pulling from side to side. Correct your dog’s movement with short snaps of the lead that pull sharply and abruptly back against his momentum. He will stop pulling and walk complacently for a time beside you. During this time loosen the lead but when he pulls again snap the lead again.

While training your dog, observe his body language and general behavior closely. Look for signs of enthusiasm. Is his tail wagging? Does he follow you around? This shows he’s ready to learn. If you see your dog is scared, bored or nervous, stop what you are doing and reevaluate.

Never use human shampoo on a dog. While it may be tempting to have your dog smelling like your favorite shampoo, most hair products for humans are far too harsh for a dog’s sensitive skin. If you are in a pinch and must use a human shampoo, try to use one formulated to be gentle enough for a baby.

You won’t have to use dog treats forever to train your dog. As time goes by and your dog starts to learn, their obedience will increase and they will obey your orders as a habit as opposed to an action that gets rewarded with treats. It is also nice to use one form of praise when your dog performs as you asked.

A great dog training tip is to let your dog know when they’re doing something right. It’s very easy to yell at your dog and tell them no when they’re misbehaving. It’s important to let your dog know when they’re doing what you want because that reinforces good behavior

One tip to keep in mind when training your dog is to stop your dog during the behavior you want to change. This is important to ensure that your dog knows when to stop a certain action and what to replace it with. An example would be to never allow it to jump on anyone, and always discipline and correct the dog mid-action.

As you progress in training your dog, only give rewards for obedience the first time you give a command such as “come” or “sit”. The dog will quickly learn that it is better to get the reward by obeying the first command than having you repeat it and not give the reward. Do praise the dog when it finally obeys, but save the treats for quick obedience.

For dogs that hate nail-trims, get them used to having their paws trimmed one step at a time. First, hang out with your dog when she’s calm and laying down. Touch her paws gently during petting, and treat and praise when she doesn’t react. Continue this process over weeks and step it up to gently picking up her paws. You’ll eventually introduce the nail trimmers without a trim, and then finally, trimming. It’s a long road, but it will save you money on nail trims in the future.

Start training your dog as soon as possible. Even young puppies respond well to training. Attention spent on proper behaviors at a young age can prevent later problems. For a young puppy, you may need to reduce the amount of time spent in training activities, but the investment in training early pays off as your dog grows.

Be patient when training your dog. You may need to repeat positive reinforcement numerous times to consistently get the behavior you want. You may also need to consistently refocus your dog from negative behaviors. Realizing it takes time to train a dog can make the experience much more pleasurable for both you and your pet.

Use the same simple words in a low, firm tone of voice, every time you give your dog a command. Don’t shout or repeat the command multiple times. Say it once, firmly and then, assist the dog in complying if he doesn’t understand (e.g. press down firmly on the hindquarters while saying “sit,” if he doesn’t sit the first time you tell him).

One of the ways to make a dog more easy to train is to have the dog fixed at six months. You should do this at the same time you first take the dog to obedience training. A dog that has been spayed or neutered will be a more obedient dog. Your dog will be a better companion after training and this will lead to a better life overall for the animal.

Use your pet’s name often to reinforce familiarity. It is important that your dog knows its name well, so that you can gain their attention at a moment’s notice. Reinforce their name as a positive experience using it when calling for food, treats, walks, or any activity your dog enjoys. Refrain from using their name when you are angry, or they could learn to fear it.

As was stated previously, dog training can be a learning experience for you and your dog. By taking the advice in this article to heart, you can ensure a bond between your dog and yourself. This time will be well spent and create a friendship that will benefit the both of you.

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