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You Need To Potty Train Your Dog

From helping your dog to know when to bark, to know when it’s not okay to beg, to come to you when you call him, it’s easy to see how at least some training can be very beneficial. It may seem hard to teach your dog new tricks, but in reality it’s simple if you just keep trying the right strategies. Here’s a few good ideas.

To introduce a new animal into a home that already has dogs, you should give that animal their own territory. This could mean initially giving the new cat or dog their own room or taking your old dogs out of the house before bringing the new dog in. Because dogs are very territorial, this tactic gives your new dog more leverage and makes your older dogs more reluctant to get aggressive.

Training your dog is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your pet. Teach your dog one command at a time. Tell your dog to sit, and when they do, give them a treat. Once they have mastered one command, you can move on to the next. Training your dog will provide a more peaceful relationship between you and your pet. Your dog will know that you are in command, and listen to what you want them to do.

When teaching a puppy basic commands, start with ‘sit’. This is the easiest one for a dog to master. Hold his favorite snack just above his nose, and firmly say ‘sit’. Most dogs will instinctively sit down at this point. Offer him the treat and don’t forget to praise him profusely. If he doesn’t sit, gently push his rear end towards the floor. After he has been sitting for a few seconds, give him the treat, and like before, remember to praise him.

Use your time walking the dog as a time of bonding and positive reinforcement. Try bringing your treats along and playing games with them during the walk. Ask him to sit in the middle of your walk and reward him with a snack. Reinforce the love you have for your dog and they will respond in kind.

If you are getting a new dog, and you intend to train it, look for a younger dog. The old adage “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is somewhat appropriate here. Younger dogs are more receptive to dominance from a pack leader and will learn quickly in an effort to please. Another plus to this is that young dogs really enjoy learning new things, much like children do.

If you are having problems with dog training, then you should look at your training routine. Dogs are much more susceptible to learning if you have a solid routine. All you have to do is keep repeating the commands you want them to learn repeatedly and eventually they will pick it up. Leaving you with a dog that is much easier to enjoy having.

When training your dog, be competent! Your dog wants to know that you are in charge and that you know what you are doing. If you are inconsistent, anxious, irritable, angry, or in any way unstable while training your dog, you will not succeed. You must be calm, consistent, and competent. If you don’t know about dog training, it is a very good idea to learn from books, videos and people who know before you ever get a dog!

To have an obedient dog, you should establish yourself as a master right away. Do not let your dog bite you or jump on you. You have to punish or reward your dog constantly. Never let your dog get away with anything, or even worst, become hostile towards you.

A good dog training tip is to start training your dog while it’s young. Younger dogs are more impressionable, and far more responsive to training than older dogs. Older dogs tend to be stubborn because they already have experience and behaviors that they’ve become used to for a while.

When puppies are little, they might develop biting habits which can easily be solved by placing a chew toy by your dogs mouth whenever he or she begins to nip at you. This will quickly teach your puppy that it is allowed to bite at toys but not at you.

If you’re bringing your dog on a trip, don’t forget all it’s supplies. You should take their bed, bowls, and things to clean up after them. Don’t hesitate on taking a handful of your dog’s favorite food with you. This is much easier than buying at your destination.

Good behavior should be reinforced and bad behavior should be discouraged. Your dog will benefit from consistency. This consistency will allow your dog to understand your message clearly. If there’s no reward to performing a behavior, your dog will be less likely to try it.

Puppy proof your house to prevent cherished possessions from becoming your puppy’s favorite chew toy. Remove items, such as shoes, from the area where you keep your puppy. Many pet stores sell a bitter tasting spray that you can use to keep your puppy from chewing on electrical cords. Remember that most puppies will grow out of this stage.

When you train your dog, you don’t have to train him to do exactly what your training book or video says he should do; however, you must train him to behave in a way that will fit in well with your family. You must train him in such a way that you can take him for a walk or to the vet without a lot of drama. By determining exactly what sort of behavior you need from your dog and then working consistently to attain that behavior, you will support your dog in having a happier and more successful life.

Training a dog is a great experience. Seeing how your pet develops good behavior and respect for your command you is a rewarding experience and well worth your time. Training a dog should be treated as an opportunity to have fun instead of a chore, so have fun trying out the suggestions in this article!

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