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These Great Gardening Ideas Will Grow On You!

Nowadays the need for fresh organic produce is on the rise. The demand for products and treatment leads to some very innovative organic gardening techniques. Now is your chance to find something that works for your organic garden. Here are some tips that you can use to get you started.

Knowing the layout of your yard and what kind of soil you have can greatly improve your gardening experience. By knowing this, you can figure out what seeds will work with your current yard or if you need to create a different environment around your planting preferences. Different plants require different nutrients, so plan accordingly.

Before planting anything, clean up as much as possible the area where you plan on having flowers or any other delicate plants. Remove all the weeds and the grass if you think it is necessary. Your flowers should not have any competitors for the nutrients they need while they grow.

You may be able to re-pot some plants to bring indoors for the winter. Your best bet would be try to save the best or most hearty plants. Dig the plant up without damaging the roots and place it a big enough pot.

While working in your garden during the fall season, watch out for those stink bugs! This insect will gladly devour your tomatoes, beans, and peppers, as well as a variety of other fruits. Proper measures should be taken in order to ensure minimal damage to your crops.

Weed the garden often and early. Plan on a weeding schedule for the garden at least three times. The first should be five to seven days after sowing, and again seven to ten days after that. The third time should be three to four weeks after planting, by this time the plants should be rooted well enough to add mulching and sufficient leaves to shade the surface.

You can dry herbs by putting them in your car. You can neatly arrange them on a sheet of newspaper in a single layer. Then close the doors and windows and let it air dry. The warmth in the car will dry the herbs quickly. The herbs themselves will create a very nice aroma.

Plant your garden in stages. Put in a new vegetable every week, or plant vegetables with different maturation speeds when you do your planting. This helps prevent you from having a large harvest all at once, and will better allow you to enjoy the fruits (and vegetables!) of your labors.

Fall is a great time of the year to plant a fall vegetable garden. The mild temperatures of autumn are fantastic for cultivating fast-growing, cool-season vegetables such as spinach, radishes and lettuce. Growing an autumn garden does require some planning since you need to harvest your salad crop before the first frost. By looking on the seed packet, you will find out how long it takes for your plant to be mature enough to harvest. Since plants grow more slowly in the shortened days of fall, add two weeks to the time listed on the seed packet. If the total number of days is 45, make sure you plant your fall crop at least that many days before the time that the first day of frost typically occurs in your locale.

In areas that are very dry, you should plant drought resistant plants. These hardy plants will survive, and thrive, on very little water, and in hot conditions. Many varieties have blooms as beautiful as any high maintenance types of plants. You can even get low-water edible plants for your garden.

If you can’t wait for a cut to heal before digging in the dirt, then at least protect your cuts from exposure. Cuts have a much higher likelihood of getting infected if they are in contact with dirt when you garden. Look for newer bandages which are able to completely seal your cut.

It is important to treat roses before they are attracted by bugs. There are insecticides that you can purchase at any garden supply store that should eliminate or deter bugs from attacking your rose bushes. It is best to treat the bushes before there are any signs of a bug problem.

Prepare the ground for a perennial garden quickly and easily. It isn’t as hard as it may seem; you basically just slice down under the turf, flip it over, and spread wood chips four to three inches. Allow the newly turned soil to sit for two weeks, then plant your perennials.

Organic fertilizers are better for the soil than chemical fertilizers. The soil will absorb the organic fertilizer of its essential nutrients and natural substances which will foster growth in plants. This is ideal because you are not adding unwanted chemicals to the soil that might harm plants long-term. The key to successful organic gardening is building healthy soil so that plants will thrive today and for future seasons.

When maintaining an organic garden, be sure to always wind up your hoses. Dragging and storing a hose that is not wound up can take a lot of time away from you. Try using stationary or portable hose reels to wind up your hoses and to save you some time.

If you are planting seeds in containers, a good rule of thumb is that the seed’s depth should be around three times its overall size. Some seeds shouldn’t be covered and must be in sunlight at all times. Petunia and ageratum seeds need direct sunlight, for example. Always be sure to check online or with the company you’re purchasing the seeds from as to their sunlight needs.

If you are preparing to move your indoor organic garden outdoors, a great tip is to start preparing your plants one week ahead of time. Move them to a shaded area in your home for a few hours on a warm day. Your aim is to gradually increase your plants’ exposure to light. Then, leave them outside overnight at the end of the week. This will ensure your plants survival.

As you have read, there are many different ways to take acre of an organic garden. You need to find the techniques that work for you. There is a ton of information that can help you see what benefits certain techniques can yield. By following these tips, you are well on your way to properly grow an organic garden.

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